Friday, December 21, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
Some Deals Must Be Passed Up
Not sure how their prices get set but $99,999 seemed a little high for an HP refurb. Thought maybe the search returned something off so I clicked over to the product page...
Nope. $100k. Definitely going to pass on this one.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Go North of the Border for FINAL VICTORY
It is amusing the way the Huffington post commented on this, though ultimately it's so sad. I hope these people are someday free of this regime.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
A Win is a Win, Mostly
Looks like a judgement was reached in case that I noticed last month…
Teen wins right to wear 'Jesus Is Not a Homophobe' T-shirt to school
By James Eng,
Maverick Couch can wear his “Jesus Is Not a Homophobe” T-shirt to school again – without fear of being suspended.
The 16-year-old junior at Waynesville High School in Ohio has won a legal fight to wear the shirt, which was a gift from a friend’s aunt, on school grounds.
“I’m really blessed and happy,” he told on Tuesday, a week after he learned of a court action in his favor. “It’s just really amazing. I never thought it would come out like this.”
In the judgment entered May 21, U.S. District Judge Michael Barrett ordered school officials to allow Maverick to wear the T-shirt to school whenever he chooses. He also ordered the school district to pay $20,000 in damages and court costs to the teen.
“We’re very happy for Maverick and all LGBT students in Ohio,” Christopher Clark, senior staff attorney for Lambda Legal, which sued on Maverick’s behalf, said in a press release. “If school officials had any doubt before, it’s clear now: First Amendment rights apply to all students on every day of the year, and efforts to silence LGBT youth will not go unchallenged.”
The settlement ends a legal fight that began a little more than a year ago.
According to court documents, Couch wore the T-shirt with a rainbow-colored Ichthys, or “sign of the fish,” and lettering that read “Jesus Is Not a Homophobe” to school in April 2011 in observation of the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network’s “Day of Silence.”
The principal, Randy Gebhardt, called Maverick into his office and instructed him to turn the shirt inside-out. Maverick complied. He wore the T-shirt to school again the next day. This time, his mother was called in and he was told to remove the T-shirt or face suspension. Maverick again complied.
When school resumed in the fall, Maverick asked the principal for permission to wear the T-shirt. Again, he was told he would be suspended if he did so. That’s when he and his mother turned to lawyers.
In January, Lambda Legal sent the school district a letter outlining Maverick’s First Amendment rights and stating he had the right to wear the shirt. The school district responded that “the message communicated by the student’s T-shirt is sexual in nature and therefore indecent and inappropriate in a school setting.”
The school district’s response continued:
“Wayne Local School District Board of Education had the right to limit clothing with sexual slogans, especially in light what was then a highly charged atmosphere, in order to protect its students and enhance the educational environment. Consequently, the high school principal was well within the bounds of his authority to request that the student remove his T-shirt and refrain from wearing the T-shirt in the future.”Last month Lambda Legal sued the Wayne Local School District on Maverick’s behalf, contending the district was violating the teen’s First Amendment right to free speech.
“I just wanted to wear my shirt,” Maverick was quoted as saying in a Lamda Legal press release last week announcing the court settlement. “The shirt is a statement of pride, and I hope other students like me know that they can be proud, too.”
The $20,000 that the school district has been ordered to pay will be covered by Wayne Local Schools’ insurance policy.
Superintendent Patrick Dubbs didn’t immediately return a phone call for comment on Tuesday. He earlier told the Student Press Law Center that the lawsuit, filed in April, came as a surprise.
“I would even question the tactics used because we were never told we were being sued,” Dubbs was quoted as saying by SPLC. “Our feeling was this never had to go to federal court. All of our actions all along, once we became aware of Lambda Legal, were that we never wanted to go to court.”
As for Maverick, he says he wore the T-shirt to school the day after he learned of the court judgment in his favor.
“I really didn’t get any reaction,” he told "I had a few friends ask me, ‘Has anything happened?’ It was like any other day. The principal didn’t say a word.”
He says he plans to wear the shirt to school again in the fall when classes resume.
The message, Maverick says, is all about tolerance.
"We need to accept others how they come no matter their religion, sexual orientation, the color of their skin. Everyone is who they are. We all need to come together as a whole and accept everyone.”
I'm still concerned about this. Being gay it does feel like a vague win for the community. But it feels exploitative. And I fear for the safety of other kids that might try something similar. We need more.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Knew I Heard That Tune Before
Totally made me laugh. When I first heard Gaga's song it really bugged me how catchy-yet-hauntingly-familiar it was. (Erm… truth be told I heard Weird Al's version first) Now that's all cleared up.
The article quoted Madonna's thoughts on the copy as, “I thought, this is a wonderful way to redo my song. I mean, I recognized the chord changes. I thought it was … interesting.” Getting to know Madonna through the media and biographies over the last three decades I doubt it came out that polished. In fact, I'm willing to bet it came out initially as “Fucking bitch!” or some variant depending on whether the kids were around.
Still love Madonna. And when I saw tickets going to be available for Madison Square Garden I was completely tempted. But catching her in Ft. Lauderdale will probably be enough for me in this life. *snicker*
Edit: WTF! I guess the Madonna Legal Team already swooped into action. Well too bad! I already saved a copy… *neener neener*
Monday, May 14, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
CISPA Comes, Will We Be Told?
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Its Hows-ton Street Not Houston
“Where are you headed?” I asked with a polite smile. Absolutely love that look of surprise mixed in with relief. “How do you go East on 14th?” There are a few ways to tell but it gets too involved. Instead I just pointed then asked, “You're sure? The bulk of the city is that way.” as I pointed West. Quick check on the phone and I got nods, so I was back on my way home feeling all Samaritan-y.
Don't really do it to be helpful though. For whatever reason I still find it novel that I can give directions in downtown New York. In utter defiance of my rural Utah upbringing. *lol*
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Despite My Bias This Seems Like a Bad Idea

CINCINNATI — A gay student whose high school prohibited him from wearing a T-shirt designed to urge tolerance of gays is suing the school, saying it's violating his freedom of expression rights.
The mother of 16-year-old Maverick Couch filed the federal lawsuit on his behalf against Wayne Local School District and its Waynesville High School principal. Couch, a junior at the southwest Ohio high school, has been threatened by school officials with suspension if he wears the shirt, which bears the message “Jesus Is Not a Homophobe,” the lawsuit says. Officials at the public school told him the shirt is “sexual in nature” and is inappropriate there, it says.
Couch said Tuesday that he wants to wear the shirt at school on April 20 to show support for the Day of Silence, an annual event held nationally for students to draw attention to the silencing of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students through bullying and harassment.
“I've been bullied and called names, and I wanted to wear this shirt to promote respect for all students, gay or straight,” Couch said by telephone.
The lawsuit charges that the actions of officials in the school district, a 45-minute drive northeast of Cincinnati, violate Couch's constitutional rights, including the First Amendment right to freedom of speech and the Fourteenth Amendment right to equal protection under the law. It asks the U.S. District Court to order school officials to allow Couch to wear the shirt and to pay him unspecified “nominal” damages and attorneys' fees.
District Superintendent Patrick Dubbs said Tuesday that he had not seen the lawsuit and could not comment on specifics, but he said he was “disappointed that it has gotten to this point.” A message left for Waynesville High School Principal Randy Gebhardt was not immediately returned.
Couch said Tuesday that he wore the shirt, which also bears the image of a rainbow-colored fish similar to a religious symbol used by Christians, last April and was told by the principal to turn it inside out. He said he complied but was told when he tried to wear it again that he would be suspended.
The civil rights group Lambda Legal, which is assisting Couch in the lawsuit, said it sent the principal a letter in January supporting Couch's right to wear the shirt. The district's response was that the message on the shirt is “sexual in nature and therefore indecent and inappropriate in a school setting,” the lawsuit says.
Couch also said that he was told by school officials on other occasions that the shirt would be disruptive and that it was too religious.
“I don't think it's sexual or indecent,” Couch said. “I am just trying to stand up for who I am and for what I believe in.”
Lambda Legal attorney Christopher Clark said Couch tried to reach a solution without going to court but school officials would not cooperate.
“Schools should be in the business of educating students about First Amendment freedoms,” Clark said, “not trampling on their right to express themselves.”
The high school has more than 500 students in grades 9 through 12, according to its website.
While it makes me feel somewhat traitorous to my community I do not agree with what this teen and his Mother are doing.
The attorney's assertion at the end is inaccurate. Public schools are not in the business of fostering activism… they are there to educate our children. I assume the charge of "indecency" comes from some sort of rurally-awkard christian morality. It is not indecent. It is, however, religious and incendiary. And a teen who complains of bullying shouldn't be wearing it.
That's where the real problem lies: Couch should never have been made to feel he had to wear this tee-shirt. The fairness and equity provided by law can step in to address being marginalized, terrorized, and brutalized.
While individual identity is important and undoubtedly part of the teenage maturation process, it must be balanced with respect for shared company in the common pursuit of learning. And that sort of respect for others is important for continued success out in the "real world."
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Keep Up and Keep Down
Sunday, March 11, 2012
I Know Jesus, My Hate is Love
I spoke as honestly as I could, but some people believe my responses were not loving toward those in the gay community. That is not true. I can assuredly say that it's my life's mission to love all people.What he said was honest so I can respect that. It's the hypocrisy that I take umbrage with. As so many other Christians he doesn't see his “love” as conditional and judgmental—which is what Jesus opposed.
Oh well. At least George Takei is out there doing his happy dance in proud defiance.