Sunday, August 24, 2014

By All Means Come Visit

Tourists running naked through the streets of Barcelona have sparked protests from local residents fed up with “tourists who do whatever they want”.

Tourists often outnumber the city’s 1.6 million residents, with 7.4 million visiting in 2012. Read more

Photo: Vicens Forner
Not really sure what the problem is here. I mean… if guys like these want to run around naked I'd probably follow them.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Happy Birthday, Indeed

So many well-wishings from wonderful people. I'm terribly happy.

Now to find horses for all of them.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Robin Williams

Was really surprised when the flood of announcements came in Monday about Robin Williams' death. Immediately I felt old as he is one of my favorite actors. And when your favorite celebrities start to move on you know your time is fast approaching.

Then I found out it was suicide. It was hard to believe at first then I remembered stuff about the substance abuse. Even his personality made it somewhat reasonable... all the mania had to mean some pretty substantial lows. Still it's difficult when someone I so admired makes this kind of choice.

His comedy is undoubtedly defines him but his films won't soon be forgotten. There were a number of important ones to me. The way What Dreams May Come brought to life much of my spirituality. His paternal role in Good Will Hunting was passionate and heart-warming. The skill and humor he exhibited in Mrs. Doubtfire. The child-safe insanity of Batty Coda in Fern Gully and the genie in Aladdin. And so many more.
