Monday, March 12, 2007

Attack of the DVDs

Around Christmas time had some really good deals and I randomly bought the first three seasons of Smallville for $12 each. Started watching them mid-February. Unfortunately I went through them so fast I didn't have time to order four and five before finishing three. The cliff-hanger left many things open—so mean. Arriving in the middle of last week, I immediately ripped open four to watch the first disc. Cancel code blue… I'm stabilized.

Surprised at how much I like the series. They introduce Superman's powers slowly, all as puberty-based problems to deal with. There are constant references to the comic series that are cheesy but fun. They depict Jor-el as an antagonistic father figure, reaching out from beyond the grave to control Clark.1 The meteor rocks create all sorts of wacky powers and mutations. They worked in cameos by Christopher Reeve and Margot Kidder2 that I thought were very well done. And… Bo Duke is Superman's earthly father—too kewl!!

Have to admit that Thomas John Patrick Welling has special appeal.3 There are a number of times he captures the wholesome innocence that Reeve did so well. Plus… well, he is fucking hot. Plenty of torso things have been keeping my eyes on the screen. The first episode of the fourth season had extra skin, too. Can't believe he's going to be thirty in a few weeks.

Welling body shots aside, season four is looking good. Introduced Lois Lane and kept Chloe jealous. Lana Lang is back from France with a super-powered possession and a lover working a teacher at her High School. The Luthers are working the psycho as always. Wonder if they'll add another token black character after booting Pete.

Will be a while before I find out. While waiting for the shipments, I started up Buffy. Finished season three last night. Thinking I will go through six this week. I also went a little crazy at the Target sale this weekend. Bought seasons one and three4 of That Seventies Show, the complete Firefly, and seasons one and two of Will & Grace. I'm insane.
  • You don't tug on Superman's cape
    You don't spit into the wind
    You don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger
    And you don't mess around with Jim
    Jim Croce, You Don't Mess Around With Jim

  1. Could there have been a better voice for Jor-el than Malcolm McDowell?!?! I think not!!
  2. Damn the drinking hit her hard. She looked like she'd been trampled by caribou then chewed on by rabid dogs.
  3. I am not sure he's such a great actor. Doubt he'll ever make it past the Superman-as-a-boy type-casting.
  4. They were out of season two but I'll get it for $18 sometime.

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