Tuesday, February 5, 2008


As Adam pointedly remarked a few days ago, here's another Mardi Gras I'm not spending in New Orleans. It is definitely a hedonic experience I want to have before my body is too old to appreciate and recover from. Like so many times in the past, this one comes when I'm not in the proper place emotionally, mentally, or physically to pull it off. Yay for being broken.

I think the gay alternative, Southern Decadence, would be worth planning for. Plenty of time to get my proverbial shit together. It's got some built-in time off being around Labor Day plus it's just after my birthday, so I can justify the indulgence. Biggest drawback is that it's hot as fuck down there around that time; can't have everything, I suppose.

Hilly better take it tonight.
  • If a person doesn't have the capacity that we all want that person to have, I suspect hope is in the far distant future, if at all.
    George W. Bush, 05/22/2001

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