Monday, June 16, 2008

Fight Back Against Activist Judges

I like how many of my friends are doing some of the same spying I've done for years. If nothing else it's amusing. The rest of the time it's great to be on the inside track. Like this eMail I got an hour ago from the wack jobs over at that they forwarded for the National Organization for Marriage. It opened with:

We've succeeded in the first phase of the most critical battle in the nation over the future of marriage. On Monday, the Secretary of State of California certified that we had the signatures necessary to get the California Marriage Amendment on the ballot. Thanks to the efforts of everyone who prayed, donated, volunteered, circulated or signed the California Marriage Amendment petition, the voters of California will have the chance to overrule our Supreme Court and protect marriage in our state.

But now we face an epic and historic battle over the future of marriage. It will affect us all, whether or not we live in California. If we don't pass the California Marriage Amendment you can be sure that same-sex couples will travel to California from other states, return to their own states and sue to overturn their home states' marriage laws. California is a pathway to same-sex marriage around the country and is the epicenter of the fight over the future of marriage in this country. It's as simple as that.
I just have to laugh. Like a virus, the gay will spread if we don't stop it now now now! It's always the purveyors of “Christ-like love” that go marching down the hate-filled warpath.

It was a long message with all the usual fear-rattling, hate mongering, collection plate shtichk. I particularly like this part:
How will this impact you and your children and grandchildren?

We know from the experience of other states that if we don't overturn this decision, there will be attacks on our beliefs, our religious institutions, and our civil rights.

For example, Christian adoption agencies could be ordered by law to treat same-sex unions just the same as marriages; Christian charities and schools could face new attacks on their tax-exempt status, and other government penalties for deeply-held religious views.

Sound far-fetched? Alarmist? No, it's already happening--here in the United States.
That's right! Right here in these United States!! Those Activist Judges gunna get the gays some marriage licenses then put God's head on stick out on the White House lawn. It would be just horrible for children trapped in the foster care cycle to find a loving home. Christ would never approve. Conditional love for all!


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