In this sci-fi drama that spans a millennium, a man (Hugh Jackman) searches for a tree believed to grant eternal life in 16th-century Spain; seeks a cure for his wife's (Rachel Weisz) cancer as a present-day scientist; and traverses the universe as a 26th-century astronaut. As he travels through time in an epic struggle to save the woman he loves, he also comes to understand some of life's murkiest mysteries.
Genre: Sci-Fi Dramas, Romantic Dramas
This movie is: Romantic, Mind-bending, Emotional, Cerebral
Netflix has been pretty good about making related suggestions but this was the first big fail. This movie has horrible, horrible. After about an hour I had to stop it to end the pain. For whatever reason, I finished it the next day. It tries to be a lot more than it accomplishes.
Two reasons it isn't a single star. First there was some chemistry between Wolverine and the Weisz chick. Could feel for them. Second was the cinematography and special effects. Despite the boredom and confusion, there were many lush moments to sit back and enjoy. Other than these two redeeming characteristics it was a waste of celluloid.
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