Vänskap eller kärlek? (Swedish: Friendship or love?)
When 16-year-old Sebastian (Hampus Björck) plants a kiss on his best friend, Ulf (Nicolai Cleve Broch), he surprises himself almost as much as he does his pal -- an experience that ignites a spark in Sebastian he didn't even know existed. Now, pining for Ulf and worrying about how his friends and family will react to the news of his sexual orientation, Sebastian fails to see that he's his own harshest judge.
UR | 88 minutes | This movie is: Feel-good | Swedish
© Nexflix
1 to 10? 7 | Tears? No | Gay? Endearing | LOL? Amusing | See-Thru Plot? Obvious | Worth a DVD? No
Most Favorite Moment: Head down and crying continuously, Sebastian's mother claims, "I'm not crying." (41:43)
Least Favorite Moment: Angsty and misunderstood, Sebastian exclaims to the parents, "I had no idea you were so damn stupid!" (20:57)
I'm guessing this was some sort of made-for-TV movie for Swedish peoples as it's pretty uninspired. Very little actually happens where there was potential. Yet it's fun and fluffy and novel for being sixteen years old. Plus it's in Swedish! And there were waffles…
Netflix | IMDB
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