Thursday, December 6, 2007

Iran Gave Up Nuke Program In 2003

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Iran Gave Up Nuke Program In 2003

A new assessment by American intelligence agencies stated that Iran halted their nuclear weapons program four years ago. What do you think?

Jeff Hestetune,
Septic Tank Installer
"This is worse than I thought! They're only four years away from being 16 years away from an atomic bomb!"

Alex Burnstead,
"This marks significant progress. Instead of finding out later, we know right now how wrong we'll be to invade a Middle Eastern nation."

Brianna Kupperman,
Process Server
"Hold on. Then who exactly can I count on to blow up the world in a not-yet-determined amount of time?"

The Onion - America's Finest News Source

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