Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I Can Feel the Love

Suddenly, it all makes sense…
General, the military has been easing restrictions on enlistment in almost every area. On criminals, older veterans, even those with serious medical conditions. Why not gays? Gay people are different, Brandon. Under no circumstances can we put America's homosexuals in danger.
But homosexuals themselves are demanding the right to serve their country in a time of war. Gays of America are the only group left untouched by war. They're special. Pure and rare like a gleaming diamond or a snow white colt. We must protect them.
Has this always been the goal? It has been the solemn oath of every man in uniform to lay down his life in defense of America's precious, precious homosexuals.
How many soldier's lives is the life of one gay man worth? Seven.
'Gays Too Precious To Risk In Combat,' Says General

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