Monday, August 27, 2007

End of August Already

I've been pleasantly surprised with how the 35W redirection on I-94 and 280 have affected my commute. Getting in I've noticed no difference while going home is actually a little faster. West-bound on I-94 is a bit more confusing as one lane was destroyed, only to return when 280 merges. Then there's also a stretch where the shoulder is now a lane. It was all done pretty damn quick but looks like it will work until the bridge is rebuilt—currently slated for the end of 2008.

Today is the work outing to the State Fair. On the way in I could see the rotating arm of that huge whirly-thing I rode twice last year. While I wouldn't voluntarily go, it's fun taking a slice out of the work day to go with the team; the animal smells, hand-made knick-knacks, and screaming children will be diverting. Like last year, Tanya has offered to buy whatever food/drink/alcohol we come across so I'll likely be sick tonight. Already checked my camera batteries so I might have more shots this year.
  • The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.
    Ralph W. Sockmanul

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