Monday, December 22, 2008
While I do the love the cold, it sure came early this year. Walked outside last evening for a few minutes without a sufficient head covering so the snot in my nose started to crystallize. And this morning I had to scrape the inside of my windows… I'm guessing the moisture from my breath had frosted them. Might need to find somewhere else to be next winter. *snicker*
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Not a Scab
Friday, December 5, 2008
Russ: Was wondering if I can help you with your Relationships problem.All that rolled off my tongue so smoothly it was amusing to watch his stunned face processing. Earlier in the day my cubicle neighbor got observant via IM:
Sean: NO. But thanks.
Russ: Well I thought…
Sean: I've been dating men for over thirteen years now. It's great that you're married and family life suits you. And while I appreciate the concern, I really don't know what you can do.
Russ: …
Jeff : odd so very odd . . . how is it you actually function in this world?Maybe I should go drinking tonight. After all, it is the 75th anniversary of the end of prohibition.
Jeff : and I am guessing the alcohol helps with the others?
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Make Our Clothes, Fix Our Hair
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Merry XMas to Me
Britney Spears with The Pussycat Dolls On Tour
Britney Spears will make a highly anticipated return to the stage for her 2009 Circus World Tour. Following on the excitement of the just released sixth studio album, Circus, Spears will kick off the tour in New Orleans with The Pussycat Dolls.
Your Order Is Complete
Thanks for using Ticketmaster.
Fri, Apr 3, 2009 08:30 PM
Target Center, Minneapolis, MN
Seat location: section 109, row W, seats 13-12
Total Charge: US $299.42
Monday, November 10, 2008
First Few Dominos
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A Win, Despite Irrationality
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Back Home
I was surprised that, though it shows it's age, New York was surprisingly clean. Watching Night Court repeatedly had formed a harsh opinion that is best summarized in part 3 of Danny Got His Gun when Dan Fielding answers Kista's question, “Are the people nice there?” by saying, “Sure. Just don't make eye contact.” Yet I didn't find this the case when exposed to much humanity in the subways or on the streets downtown.
Yet for all it has to offer and how accessible it is, it still has the pall of the big city. The reliance on public transport can be frustrating. It's big to the point of being overwhelming and impersonal. And I started to see what Ed Shepp described as being “hard” about making a living there. Moving there would have been a mistake. While it definitely suits Nic's persona I am saddened to think how it's going to change AF. Yet that's not my concern.
The hardest part for me was how AF has moved on emotionally along with physically. I caught glimpses of it before he left yet it was more clear now that he's settled. Having to grieve the loss of intimate connection for yet another special man is always fun. Was pretty torturous containing feelings once reciprocated by the man you're sleeping next to. Wanting to reach out… hold, touch, caress. Yet when you do, even fleetingly, it's met with tolerance instead of pleasure. Words are quite incapable of describing this pain.
Will that stop me? Of course not. I hadn't planned on doing Nano this year because I know the expansion will consume me when it's released in the middle of the month. Yet I seem to have a lot of writing to do all of a sudden. *smirk* Notes and content have me at a little over 5k right now. Looks like I'll finish this year.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I Still Hold the Aaronic Priesthood
I'd heard about this project years ago when I was in Salt Lake. The guy who started it was claiming to be raising awareness. At the time I just giggled yet he's still behind it years later, even after being excommunicated. Toured around the site. Would have totally bought the “I Heart Mormon Boys T-Shirt” in Polygamy Pink yet they didn't have it in Mens. Might just get the Missionary Position one in Coffee.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Queen Palin
Two Words: Fucking Brilliant.
The angry mob outside the window is damn good… as are the oil rigs. Yet the tickers on the monitor are only slightly less wondrous than the “Learnin's Hard” on the empty diploma frames or the red phone.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Give Me a Chance, Madge!
Spokeswoman: Madonna and Guy Ritchie to divorceWonder if she'd marry a fag. I would so raise her kids and spend her money…
Oct. 15, 2008, 12:08 PM EST
LONDON (AP) -- Madonna and filmmaker Guy Ritchie will end their marriage after nearly eight years, the couple said in a joint statement Wednesday.
The couple asked the media to "maintain respect for their family at this difficult time," said the statement, e-mailed to The Associated Press by Liz Rosenberg, Madonna's publicist.
A financial settlement has not been agreed by the wealthy couple, who must also decide child custody issues.
In London, Ritchie's mother, Lady Amber Leighton, told reporters that the family wouldn't be making any statement.
Madonna and Ritchie, director of "Snatch" and "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels," married in December 2000 at a Scottish castle. The couple have two children: Rocco, 8, and David Banda, 3, who was adopted from Malawi in 2006. Madonna also has a 12-year-old daughter, Lourdes, from her relationship with personal trainer Carlos Leon.
The couple are reportedly worth some $525 million, the bulk of that belonging to Madonna. Ritchie has an estimated $35 million fortune. They own homes in London, Los Angeles and New York, and a 1,200-acre retreat in Wiltshire, England.
Madonna is to perform concerts Wednesday and Thursday in Boston as her "Sticky and Sweet" tour continues. Ritchie's latest movie, "RocknRolla," recently opened to mixed reviews.
Lawyers said the couple would likely try to come to an agreement before heading to court.
"The judgment of the court would be to try and assess what they came in with and divide what they built up fairly equally," said David Allison, a lawyer with Family Law in Partnership, a London firm.
Ritchie's career has faltered during the marriage, while Madonna's songs, videos and concerts remain popular worldwide.
The needs of the couple's children will also be factored by the court, as they were in Britain's latest high-profile celebrity divorce, the battle between former Beatle Paul McCartney and model Heather Mills. In that case, McCartney and Mills fought over money and custody of their young daughter.
Mills received 24.3 million pounds in the divorce after four years of marriage.
"The needs of children figure quite highly, and that was one of the reasons Heather Mills got a gigantic amount of money, despite the fact that the bulk of Sir Paul's money was made before the marriage," Allison said.
The Sun newspaper splashed the split across its front page Wednesday under the headline: "We're Divorcing." It was the second time this year that the superstar couple's marriage has come under the media microscope. Over the summer, Madonna was linked — unfairly, she said — to the breakup of New York Yankee Alex Rodriguez and his ex-wife Cynthia.
Madonna was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame last year.
© 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
WoW 3.0.2
Heh. Tim was able to log in for about five minutes before his world server crashed. I doubt I'm missing anything by being here at work. Going to take forever to figure out how to respec all my characters…
Monday, October 6, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
I Work Here
Every hour I sneak in a four-part set with the little 8lb weights I keep under the desk. Since our cubicles don't have high walls it must look entertaining. Just had the following IM:
Jeff: Sean SimmonsGave us both a laugh. Moments like this remind me how fortunate I am.
Sean: With less hair... Sweating Like An Oldie!
Jeff: as a gay man, would you consider him gay?
Jeff: or is it an act?
Sean: I'm pretty much afraid of him, so I try not to think about it.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Impending Doom

Really been enjoying all the attention the LHC has received. Coworker sent me a link to yesterday then my boss sent me one of web cam doom today. One of my favorites is still a petition I found online, though I'm not sure what the first words were officially.
I'm still hoping for a black hole. Or Duke Nukem aliens, at the very least.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
For a Couple of Hours
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
cture It... Sicily, After the War
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Ring Ring!
On the way they forced me to stop at an AT&T store. There was a two minute line for orders so I put one in. In an effort to spend the most money possible, I went with the 16gb plus expedited shipping. To be different I specified white (YT) sight unseen. *snicker* Looking at some of the pictures online I think the black might have been more sleek. Oh well. I was happy to have it en route so I could stop thinking about it.
Did order a full body shield from the same people that made the one I have for my Touch. Looks like there are other flash accessories that I'm not going to bother with. Want to get it in my hands before I start throwing good money after bad. *snicker*
The sales chick wouldn't give me any time estimates when I was ordering since everything was such a mess. Figured I could check online when things calmed down. Yet when I went to AT&T confirmation site they didn't recognize me by phone number or order confirmation. Decided to call them directly for my FedEx number. Looks like it will arrive this afternoon!
Friday, July 11, 2008
What Fits Together
WoW friend texted me while I was drinking, wondering if I would be willing to go Shadow to raid. It actually made me smile. I loved Shadow but haven't done it in BC at all. I leveled Holy with friends then went Disc for PvP when Kara broke up the guild. With all the Kara runs I've done, I did pick up DPS pieces. Logged in this morning to see what I lack and was surprised to see how many things I had ferreted away—even Ruby Slippers! After a quick review, it looks like I need trinkets, pants, gloves, and hat. Might be able to get up to speed pretty quickly.
Was going to hit the downtown AT&T store this morning for a G3 but changed my mind. I've heard some insane reports about lines and bullshit. I can wait a few weeks for the hype to settle down. Yet getting in to work, everyone was on my ass. Even my boss was saying, “Now might be a good time to go since the initial rush will have died down and the lunch rush wouldn't have begun.” So I might head up there in a few minutes. *sigh*
Monday, July 7, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Just in Time for the Fourth of July
Bush Tours America To Survey Damage Caused By His Presidency
Monday, June 30, 2008
I Only Drink to Make Other People More Sociable
I didn't do any events this year… even skipped the parade. Mary said she'd catch me for a few things and John was doing a bunch, but I only went out for the dancing and drinking. No one that I was interested in was available. Had some randoms interested on each of the different nights yet didn't follow through on them. Did go home with Andrew last night since it was nice to have someone there without wanting to do anything.
Walking home from his place this morning I felt relieved that Pride was done with. Guess I've grown more jaded and less supportive over the years. Even going to bigger/different ones doesn't sound appealing. Was committed to going to Southern Decadence this year but even that makes me think “Meh” right now. Maybe a few days of good sleep will change my mind. *snicker*
Thursday, June 26, 2008
How Many Books I Haven't Read
- Look at the list and bold those you have read.
- Italicize those you intend to read.
- Underline the books you LOVE.
- Reprint this list in your own blog so we can try and track down these people who've read 6 and force books upon them ;-)
1 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
2 The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien
3 Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
4 Harry Potter series - JK Rowling
5 To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
6 The Bible
7 Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
8 Nineteen Eighty Four - George Orwell
9 His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman
10 Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
11 Little Women - Louisa M Alcott
13 Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
14 Complete Works of Shakespeare
15 Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier
16 The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien
17 Birdsong - Sebastian Faulks
18 Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger
19 The Time Traveller's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger
20 Middlemarch - George Eliot
21 Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell
22 The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald
23 Bleak House - Charles Dickens
25 The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
26 Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh
27 Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
28 Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
29 Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
30 The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame
31 Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
32 David Copperfield - Charles Dickens
34 Emma - Jane Austen
35 Persuasion - Jane Austen
36 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe - CS Lewis
37 The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini
38 Captain Corelli's Mandolin - Louis De Bernieres
39 Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden
40 Winnie the Pooh - AA Milne
41 Animal Farm - George Orwell
42 The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
43 One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
44 A Prayer for Owen Meaney - John Irving
45 The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins
46 Anne of Green Gables - LM Montgomery
48 The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
49 Lord of the Flies - William Golding
50 Atonement - Ian McEwan
51 Life of Pi - Yann Martel
52 Dune - Frank Herbert
53 Cold Comfort Farm - Stella Gibbons
54 Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen
55 A Suitable Boy - Vikram Seth
56 The Shadow of the Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon
57 A Tale Of Two Cities - Charles Dickens
58 Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
59 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time - Mark Haddon
60 Love In The Time Of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
61 Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
62 Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
63 The Secret History - Donna Tartt
64 The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold
65 Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
66 On The Road - Jack Kerouac
68 Bridget Jones's Diary - Helen Fielding
69 Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie
71 Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens
72 Dracula - Bram Stoker
73 The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett
74 Notes From A Small Island - Bill Bryson
76 The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
77 Swallows and Amazons - Arthur Ransome
78 Germinal - Emile Zola
79 Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackeray
80 Possession - AS Byatt
81 A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens
82 Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell
83 The Color Purple - Alice Walker
84 The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro
85 Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert
86 A Fine Balance - Rohinton Mistry
87 Charlotte's Web - EB White
88 The Five People You Meet In Heaven - Mitch Albom
89 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
90 The Faraway Tree Collection - Enid Blyton
91 Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
92 The Little Prince - Antoine De Saint-Exupery
93 The Wasp Factory - Iain Banks
94 Watership Down - Richard Adams
95 A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
96 A Town Like Alice - Nevil Shute
97 The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas
98 Hamlet - William Shakespeare
99 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Roald Dahl
100 Les Miserables - Victor Hugo
Friday, June 20, 2008
Weak Legged Fox
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Twenty-two Inch Pythons
Thankfully I tried it on at home first because it didn't work out. I was barely able to secure the Velcro binding in place. Then when I flexed, it popped off every time. I felt like such a stud going up to the Service Counter and telling the woman there that there was nothing wrong with the band, it simply wasn't big enough for me. *giggle*
Pure fantasy, of course. My arms have very poor definition and it's the fleshy parts that make the band snug to begin with. Will have to find one not tailor made for circuit boys and anorexics.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
May Equality Live Long and Prosper
'Star Trek' star to marry partnerSo sweet it makes me wanna set phasers on Kill. *snicker*
Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:26 PM ET
WEST HOLLYWOOD, California (AP) -- "Star Trek" star George Takai is ready to "live long and prosper" with his partner of 21 years.
Takai will marry 54-year-old Brad Altman on September 14th in Los Angeles.
The 71-year-old actor, known for his role as Sulu on the "Star Trek" sci-fi TV series, was the first to pay $70 for a marriage license in West Hollywood early Tuesday. The marriage license is good for 90 days.
Takai was jubilant, saying "it's going to be the only day like this in our lives and it is the only day like this in the history of America."
He told reporters and a swelling crowd outside the West Hollywood city auditorium "may equality live long and prosper."
The California Supreme Court has legalized same-sex marriage.
© 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
I'm Just That Butch
Not sure what that thing is actually called, but it jumped a few inches when I freed it, allowing water to spray everwhere. I let out a string of explitives while I bent over to turn the water off. Mopping up the bathroom tile… great way to end the evening.
I refilled the tank manually this morning so I could take care of business, but I was down in the office first thing. Pretty simple to fix but I wasn't going to be doing it. *smile*
Monday, June 16, 2008
Fight Back Against Activist Judges
STOP SAME-SEX MARRIAGE IN CALIFORNIAI just have to laugh. Like a virus, the gay will spread if we don't stop it now now now! It's always the purveyors of “Christ-like love” that go marching down the hate-filled warpath.
We've succeeded in the first phase of the most critical battle in the nation over the future of marriage. On Monday, the Secretary of State of California certified that we had the signatures necessary to get the California Marriage Amendment on the ballot. Thanks to the efforts of everyone who prayed, donated, volunteered, circulated or signed the California Marriage Amendment petition, the voters of California will have the chance to overrule our Supreme Court and protect marriage in our state.
But now we face an epic and historic battle over the future of marriage. It will affect us all, whether or not we live in California. If we don't pass the California Marriage Amendment you can be sure that same-sex couples will travel to California from other states, return to their own states and sue to overturn their home states' marriage laws. California is a pathway to same-sex marriage around the country and is the epicenter of the fight over the future of marriage in this country. It's as simple as that.
It was a long message with all the usual fear-rattling, hate mongering, collection plate shtichk. I particularly like this part:
How will this impact you and your children and grandchildren?That's right! Right here in these United States!! Those Activist Judges gunna get the gays some marriage licenses then put God's head on stick out on the White House lawn. It would be just horrible for children trapped in the foster care cycle to find a loving home. Christ would never approve. Conditional love for all!
We know from the experience of other states that if we don't overturn this decision, there will be attacks on our beliefs, our religious institutions, and our civil rights.
For example, Christian adoption agencies could be ordered by law to treat same-sex unions just the same as marriages; Christian charities and schools could face new attacks on their tax-exempt status, and other government penalties for deeply-held religious views.
Sound far-fetched? Alarmist? No, it's already happening--here in the United States.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Sparing a Dime
Most of the people were pleasant but I felt so affluently white. Fresh from the gym, I must have looked to them like some sort of part-time bleeding heart putting in my few hours a month for the dregs of humanity. Definitely feeling the guilt I suppose. I did fairly well partnered with the sweetest little woman Karen. There were one or two times I was a little worried about her so I had to puff up.
One man was a bit too drunk. Once he'd left, one of the managers came up to let me know he wasn't to be let back in and there was one guest who wasn't going to leave until he was gone. Kept an eye on him as he crossed the street. The blind man he had been harassing came up with nice hippie girl to escort them. I warned them where the drunk was. After ten minutes the drunk returned and, sure enough, when we opened the doors to let a few patrons leave, he made as if to come in.
I placed myself in the middle of the doors. After pushing Karen to the side, I placed my first in the center of his chest to stop his advance then told him we were closed for the evening. He looked at me directly and asked, “You're going to refuse me?” with a slight slur. I cocked my head with a less menacing smile to return his look while letting the question hang there for a moment. Then we both laughed as we took a step back and I told him to “Go ahead and sit back down out there.”
Was a very tense moment that Karen and I were quick to laugh off after closing the doors. I mentioned something about my two years of Karate in junior high. His shirt wasn't that concealing so I was pretty sure he didn't have any weapons within easy reach. I was fully ready for him to take a swing. It would have been interesting since I'm sure my reactions would have been a lot faster, but his arms and chest were as big as mine.
Anyway. It was an experience. I actually felt doubly bad because I wasn't “doing” anything. Karen and I had to stay up there even as people were cleaning up. While it was nice to have the appreciative comments on the way out, it was difficult to keep from sounding robotic when returning the “Have a good evening.”s.
Headed out a little before 7pm. I pulled out my $300 fuchsia RAZR to see if I had any new messages. Then I got into my $30k coupe to head home while my $500 iPod Touch pounded a Christopher Lawrence CD from my speakers. Got up to my $900/month apartment where I'd left the air conditioning on all day so it would be nice to come home to. Such extravagance that becomes blindingly apparent after watching 212 people come in off the street for dinner.
Some of these people are doing relatively well as I listened to them swap stories. Some are not. A host of smells passed by me, from the basic unwashed human flesh to hard alcohol sweat to mouthwash. There were many stressed veins and dark patches at the crook of the elbow. When I hear Compassionate Conservative line, which boils down to “Get a job.”, I have to shake my head. How can these people do that when they struggle for the basics on a daily basis?
I will be doing more volunteering with the partnered churches, but I'm going to have to find ways to do more.
Friday, June 13, 2008
How Cute!
Sure enough, as I was getting my water he looked over at me three times. Then again when I was picking up my order. Would have waved on the way out but he was off stacking plates. Silly moments like this make all my flirting worthwhile. Of course, he was 19 at the most but I'll take whatever I get these days. Going to be 35 in two months. *sigh*
Friday, June 6, 2008
Been a While
So we pull up to the front of my building and I lean in for a kiss when my boss walks right in front of the car. I laughed then said, “Oh look, my boss.” Tim wished me a good day at work after another quick peck.
My boss was holding the door open and said, “So… getting rides into work now, eh?” I was actually blushing, which he enjoyed pointing out. “Did you think I would be surprised?” he asked as we walked back into the department. Was hard to explain what I was feeling. Whatever it was, it did feel nice.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Got my car into the dealership. The initial estimate is about $300 but I know that will go up. If it were just upkeep I'd prolly have it back before noon but there's two pending recalls to look at. Not only my master cylinder but the daytime running lights. The useless desk person smiling said it could be as late as 4pm. Yet I suspect I'll need brake work.
In the interim, I've been loaned a shiny new Scion xB. I liked it for about five minutes. The gears are too far forward, practically on the dashboard. The speedometer and gauges are in the middle of the dash. The arm rest isn't equal with the door rest. Outside visibility is awkward. And it's like driving a bucket. Heh. Guess I'm not ready to ditch the two-seaters yet.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Below the Neck
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Then On the Other Coast...
Just wow. A few days ago a friend was talking about what about what label to apply to a significant other… partner? boyfriend? lover? I haven't put too much thought into it as there hasn't been much need. While doing the dishes last night I would be fine with boyfriend. Yet husband has a great ring to it.California ban on same-sex marriage struck down
Thu May 15, 2008 2:04 PM ET
By Bill Mears, CNN Senior Producer
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- In a much-anticipated ruling issued Thursday, the California Supreme Court struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage as unconstitutional.
California's Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the state's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional.
Several gay and lesbian couples, along with the city of San Francisco and gay rights groups, sued to overturn state laws allowing only marriages between a man and a woman.
"There can be no doubt that extending the designation of marriage to same-sex couples, rather than denying it to all couples, is the equal protection remedy that is most consistent with our state's general legislative policy and preference," said the 120-page ruling.
It said that the state law's language "limiting the designation of marriage to a 'union between a man and a woman' is unconstitutional, and that the remaining statutory language must be understood as making the designation of marriage available to both opposite-sex and same-sex couples."
With the ruling, California becomes the second state to allow same-sex couples to legally wed. Massachusetts adopted the practice in 2004, and couples don't need to be state residents to wed there.
Vermont, New Jersey, New Hampshire and Connecticut permit civil unions, while California has a domestic-partner registration law. More than a dozen other states give gay couples some legal rights.
Seven other jurisdictions around the world have legalized same-sex marriage: Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, South Africa and the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec.
San Francisco officials in 2004 allowed same-sex couples in the city to wed, prompting a flood of applicants crowding the city hall clerk's office. The first couple to wed then was 80-year-old Phyllis Lyon and 83-year-old Dorothy Martin, lovers for 50 years.
"We have a right just like anyone else to get married to the person we want to get married to," Lyon said at the time.
One issue before the justices was whether San Francisco's laws carried legal weight when the rest of the state banned same-sex marriages. Gay rights advocates argued the state was violating their civil rights by limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples. The state law in question is the Defense of Marriage Act, Proposition 22.
Oral arguments in the case in March lasted more than three hours, a sign of the political and legal issues at stake. Six cases were consolidated.
Groups saying they were promoting a pro-family agenda had vowed to fight a statewide law allowing same-sex marriage.
"The government should promote and encourage strong families," said Glen Lavy of the Alliance Defense Fund. "The voters realize that defining marriage as one man and one woman is important because the government should not, by design, deny a child both a mother and father."
An appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court is likely. The federal high court has never addressed the question of same-sex marriage.
© 2008 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
I'm so glad I'm alive to see this social reform unfurl. Hopefully this decision stays. Hopefully more are made similarly.
My Luck (At Least It's Consistent)
Heading out to the salon for a tanning session last night I pulled my apartment key off the ring to minimize my pocket requirements. As I has undressing I realized the key was gone. While in the big comfy chair up front my phone slipped out of my pockets so I figured it was there. Rushed out and turned the thing upside down to no avail. Watched the streets all the way home and nothing. So I got to the office and did the dance for a copy of the key. They didn't have a spare one available so the attendant said one would be made in the morning. I grumbled about it as she let me into the apartment then I grabbed my check book and we went back down so she could photo copy my ID. Walking back I noticed my key was about ten feet from the door. *SIGH*
Was running late to work, as usual, so I stopped into the office to see if they'd tear up my check. The front desk lady handed me a little envelope with my apartment number on it. “You already have a copy of it?” I asked as she nodded with a smile. She was probably thinking like “Yes, we are that efficient.” while I was really thinking “Fuck fuck fuck!” on my way out the door. Oh well.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Kidding aside, all the Identity Theft hysteria did prompt me to put an access code on my iTouch. I've got all my contacts sync'd to it. Considering the damn things retail around $500, if someone stole it I don't want to be responsible for spreading info.
Passwords are like bubble gum:
- strongest when fresh
- should be used by an individual, not a group
- when left laying around, will make a sticky mess
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
When the Filter Fails
From: Walt Minna
Subject: I know what ladies do on a farm. DO NOT leave them there alone!
Never leave your madam on a farm abandoned. She may substitute you with animals and you will be way out of the competition for the rest of your life. I learned it the hard way. Here are the details.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Filling up on the way in an attractive man in business attire pulled up behind me in the exact same Celica. Year, paint, sport options, fog lamps, etc. Put as much bass in my voice as possible and said, “Nice car.” with a nod. Shared a laugh and some stories. Apparently his burns as much oil as mine does now, which I found interesting. I never did get around to the “Are you married? Wanna fuck?” questions but it was a fun random moment.
Now… work. Ignore the beautiful day outside. Yay.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Evil Willpower
Yes. YES! Help themselves to 220 calories of love-handle expanding doom!! *evil cackle*
As funny as I make it sound, it does keep me motivated. I will go home tonight will a feeling of victory. Though they sit here in plain view and easy reach, I shall resist!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Figured I was delirious from the workout so I looked the other way in puzzlement as I continued on into the showers. While lathering up my peripheral vision caught him walk into the sink area. So naturally I flex what I can and lament the fact that being naked doesn't allow one to hide a pronounced gut. Wasn't really a factor though because he was still staring. Staring. In fact, he even waited at the wall to the urinals, watching me until I looked directly at him. Made me roll my eyes with a giggle.
Toweled off and as I approached the locker I withered under his glances. I dressed as quickly as possibly but he was ahead of me. Was putting on my shoes as he headed out. I hate how new situations overwhelm me. All I had to do was say something, anything. Yet the moment was gone. Out in the parking lot he was nowhere to be seen.
Probably for the best. I'm not a slut. Really.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Last Few, Future Few
Got over to the Quarry for a hair cut. The girl cutting my hair was chatty as hell. When she asked if I was married and had any kids, I was so tired I stumbled over trying to say something clever about how I wasn't allowed to yet. Finally just said, a little too loudly even, that, “I am trying to say that I'm gay.” She laughed as I blushed. Sometimes it's annoying being so butch.
Managed to get some shopping in before heading home. Watched some TV as the laundry was going. Tim brought over the first season of Battlestar Galactica for me on Saturday and I haven't been able to stop watching. I would really like to finish Torchwood but I'm finding BG very compelling; the story has brought me to tears a number of times—so much for butch.
Not many plans for the weekend; with this evil weather it will likely the usual: some drinking, some DVDing, and some gaming gaming. Meh. Off to the gym.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Recognition via Mp3 Player
At the end of our discussion they gave each of us an 8gb iPod Touch. It was surprisingly generous and in my estimation, not deserved. Instead of giving it back I went to Best Buy and traded up to the 32gb version for an additional $200. *snicker* Between the Shuffle and the 160gb Classic, I really don't need it. In fact I was seriously tempted by one team mate's suggestion to traded it in towards a PS3. Yet that seemed disrespectful. It will be a fun memento of the last few months of drudgery.
This will be the third Apple product under my roof. *shudder* Can't be a good sign.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Two Hours
The hardest part was the kids. One little girl with permed hair in pink pajamas. Two sisters both less than five… I can still see one biting into an apple. I kept up though. Joked with a guy who wanted me to adopt him. Assigned to waiting tables I got called “Lemonade Boy” because I always kept a pitcher with me.
Walking out of there two hours later I almost broke down. John suggested we grab a drink so we headed to the 19. So much to process it was nice of him to distact me. Talked about some stuff we can do during the summer and finalized plans for Thursday night. He gave me an extended kiss good-bye and I thanked him again for sharing this part of his life with me.
Was talking with Michael earlier about my fears of someday being homeless. He laughed at me but I was very serious. Seeing some of those people's faces, their eyes as they thanked me… it came back to me as I went up the elevator. I really did nothing tonight in the grand scheme of things, yet it's more than I've ever done. Pretty sad. Something else I need to work on.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Not knowing the series' characters or even story/backdrop of the new Dr. Who, I was a little lost but amused at the “Blowfish in a Sports Car” the crew was chasing down. Seemed like something I could get into despite being the traditional overly-attractive cast toting semi-original technology while making pithy remarks (the British accents certainly helped).
Then the evil doer appeared. The camera follow him walking after killing some ruffian and my jaw dropped when I recognized him: Spike! From Buffy!! And it got better. The cute-for-a-Brit Captain guy races off to corner Spike at some bar. They approach each other all full of menace… then kiss! Hello fanfic fantasies some true. After the brief lip lock they proceed to beat the crap out of each other. Hawt'ness.
When the crew arrives there's extra story about how Spike and the Captain were caught in a two-week time loop for five years. They argue about who was the wife and who's was smaller. Spike insisted that he lasted longer. *swoon* So yeah. I just ordered first season on DVD. Can't believe I don't have friends telling me about this earlier.
Funny… a friend and I were talking last night about how Gay is so 90s anymore because we're mainstream now. Personally I think that's great… especially when it allows some diversity in love scenes on TV. *snicker* He pointed out it may weaken our press for basic equality by blurring the lines. I believe that social integration will make legal awareness natural and unavoidable.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I Don't Know What I've Done to Deserve You
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Mobility Temporarily Impaired
Finally passing the scene I could still see it was pretty ugly. Jack-knifed semi in a position that made no sense. One car was essentially a crumpled black box whose make and model was completely unrecognizable. On my way home after the gym there was still congestion. While a number of people were angry at the inconvenience, I'm sure there are a few families with heavier matters on their minds.
Die, Insect!
Thankfully my last day off is a patch day so I've been semi-productive around the apartment this morning, with distractions provided by the Sixth Season of Married with Children. Time to hit the gym then a pass through the MIA.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
What In Gay Hell...
Monday, March 24, 2008
Portability Returns
HP Pavilion DV9740US 17" High-Definition LCD Entertainment Laptop Intel Core 2 Duo T5450 Processor/ 3 GB /320 GB/Blu-ray ROM/dual DVD writer/Quad-mode Wi-Fi/Nvidia GeForce 8600M 512MB/Webcam/Digital TV Tuner QAM/FM Vista Home PremiumThough not as fast as my primary machine, it has better video, more hard drive space, and a better video card. This will also be my first Blu-ray player. It's factory recertified so, with a Google Checkout coupon and free shipping, it cost me $980. Caught flack from friends about the brand and being reconditioned, but I'm not that concerned. Great specs for a fantastic price. So long as the first thirty days go well, I'm confident it will last me a long time. It left Chicago this morning so I'll probably be fiddling with it tomorrow night. Interestingly my sister just ordered a Gateway laptop from HSN. It was a little overpriced but she loves the HSN experience. She had called for advice while I was checking the shipping status of my own. Coworker told me that a Taiwanese company purchased Gateway so he avoids them. Hopefully my sister got a solid one.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Keep It in the Closet
On the way into work the iPod chose Janet's Nasty Boys which got me thinking how I always loved her work over her brother's. Haven't even bothered to tune into XM Radio's 24/7 Michael station they have going to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the release of whatever. Thriller was great, loved the video, but his time is done. Not sure why I don't get nostalgic for his stuff like I do for so much other 80s and 90s stuff.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Just Another Pretty Face
Tried to recover by adding, “I wonder if it's Vodka or Rum, I've been more partial to Vodka lately.” His eyes sparkled now that I was speaking his vernacular. He laughingly says he goes right for the bourbon to which I shuddered and asked with a scrunched up face, “Corn?” There were one or two more words to cover the pain. Anything more would have been flirting so I fled.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Remove All Doubt
Had forgotten how I enjoy some 98° tracks. Never listen for very long since it annoys me how strongly gendered they are. I suppose it's necessary for four softly handsome guys to throw in a lot of “…, girl” to dispel the Lance Bass suspicions. Kills the fantasy though; back to Enrique.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Sometimes technology really frightens me.
I always leave my clothes out in front of my locker so others know that someone wet and naked will be back in that spot shortly. Unfortunately blatant hints like that don't always work. Walking up to my locker there was some old guy pushing my clothes out of the way. With a polite smile I say, “Those are mine.” to which he quickly apologizes and forces the naked man to his left to move over half a step. I sigh to myself and dress in the walkway.
I'm about half-way together when, out of the blue, the guy next to me says something to the effect of, “I will let you know as soon as that's in the mail.” He still has no clothing on so I can't look up or towards him. All I could do was freeze like a rabbit caught in a flashlight. He then continues on in lawyer-esque dialog while absent-mindedly toweling off. I shake it off and finish putting on my socks.
Not really sure why this caught me so off guard. I mean, I've gotten used to people walking down the street carrying on conversations with the thin air in front of them. These people can't always be dismissed as wack jobs anymore… they might be Blue Tooth enabled. Yet it doesn't seem right to be carrying on professional conversations in a locker room with all your parts flapping around.
Oh well. Might as well get used to it now. I'm sure bio-implants are just around the corner along with an end to privacy of any kind.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Ready for Another
Managed to hit the gym Sunday then got some groceries done. Wasted the rest of the day with a little gaming and videos. Thought about getting in some Saloon since I'd had so much sleep, but I wouldn't have been able to make it in to work at a reasonable time. So here I am. Ready for another week.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Block Out the Light
Heh. Guess there's still remnants from SAD last week.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
I think the gay alternative, Southern Decadence, would be worth planning for. Plenty of time to get my proverbial shit together. It's got some built-in time off being around Labor Day plus it's just after my birthday, so I can justify the indulgence. Biggest drawback is that it's hot as fuck down there around that time; can't have everything, I suppose.
Hilly better take it tonight.
- If a person doesn't have the capacity that we all want that person to have, I suspect hope is in the far distant future, if at all.
George W. Bush, 05/22/2001
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Another Fun-Filled Weekend
That's so how my slut life works. When I really want some attention, there's nothing. When I am trying to behave or just chill, there's options. Last night's was Pete. My usual lust-type… great hair, tall, skinny, swishy, etc. He's only of those rare finds that wants the opposite of his body-type, so I was in. Caught Shaun for a minute and really should have just danced with him then went home. Andrew was also there looking very fine and letting me feel his nipples, so it would have been nice to snuggle up with him. Yet no. I was feeling dirty so I let Pete drive me to his place.
Strange guy. He claims to be bisexual which made me giggle to myself. Yet his inexperience with men did show as we sat on his couch. He was all about giving and not receiving, so I ended up naked and feeling like a side of beef on display. Physically and psychologically I was loving it. I'm always so insecure about my body but I was really getting off on this. Finally talked him into bed a little after 5am.
Lightly dozed through the snoring and finally got out of bed around 9:30am to get dressed. Though he'd expressed the desire to drive me home in the morning I've learned it's best to let sleeping tricks lie. Called my cell from his phone then walked across the street to call a cab from the Holiday. When I asked where I was the look on the cashier's face was priceless. Left a voice mail on Pete's phone then was headed home ten minutes later.
Another hour and here I am. Ready to work. *sigh*
Monday, January 28, 2008
Economic Stimulus Package On Its Way
Economic Stimulus Package On Its Way
Congress agreed on an economic stimulus package that would give individual taxpayers a rebate of up to $600. What do you think?![]() Tom Nagle, Systems Analyst "Perfect. That should cover my moving costs to Toronto." | ![]() Julia Wilding, Parole Officer "I wish that once in a while, Congress would give me a tax rebate not to boost their economy, but because they love me." | ![]() Neville Head, Dog Trainer "I hope buying $600 worth of waffles helps the economy, because that's what I'm going to do." |
The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Survived by Gyllenhaal
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Obama And Clinton Call Truce
Obama And Clinton Call Truce
After tense days of racial and personal accusations flying back and forth between the top Democratic candidates, Barack Obama has called for a truce with the Hillary Clinton campaign. What do you think?![]() Keith Bonney, Blackjack Dealer "Yesssss!!! Hillary wins!" | ![]() Alex Hacke, Accountant "Leave it to the Democrats to introduce racially suggestive character accusations so subtle that people actually get bored by them." | ![]() Marcia Campton, Canvas Stretcher "There's no need to bicker. As a black man and a white woman, they are completely and equally flawed in my eyes." |
The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Friday, January 11, 2008
Travel Plans
Man Who Intruded Into Nicolas Cage's Home Nude SentencedThat's awesome! I wonder how understanding Brad Pitt and Angelina would be if I dropped by.
Furo, 46, Pleads Guilty To Felony Stalking
POSTED: 7:38 pm PST January 10, 2008
UPDATED: 6:51 am PST January 11, 2008
SANTA ANA, Calif. -- A San Pedro man arrested in the Newport Beach home of Nicolas Cage -- naked except for the actor's leather jacket -- pleaded guilty Thursday to felony stalking and was ordered into a drug rehabilitation program.
Robert Dennis Furo Jr., 46, was given credit for time served in the Orange County Jail and ordered to undergo six months of rehabilitation, consisting of one month in lockdown and five months in a residential facility, according to Farrah Emami of the Orange County District Attorney's Office.
Superior Court Judge Karen Robinson also ordered Furo to have no direct, indirect or third-party contact with the Oscar-winning actor and to remain at least 100 yards away from the Cage family, Emami said.
Furo, arrested Oct. 1, was initially charged with burglary and theft with a prior conviction, but those counts were dismissed.
Furo, who has worked as a caregiver, will be transferred Friday from the jail to a rehab facility in Tarzana, defense attorney Jack Kayajanian said.
Furo has relatives who live in the Bayshore gated community in Newport Beach where Cage bought a home, Kayajanian said. Furo has a sticker on his car to get into the community, which is on a parcel where John Wayne's estate was once located, he said.
At the time he wandered into the Cage home, Furo was taking sleeping pills and Vicodin, for which he has a prescription, but was taking more than prescribed, the lawyer said.
"He was in a drug-induced daze," Kayajanian said, describing it as "sleepwalking."
The Cage home, which Kayajanian said he understands is being sold, is adjacent to a homeowner association-run beach with docks that are used by the community for small boats.
Kayajanian said he knew a previous owner of the house and is familiar with it.
"It's easy to walk into," he said. "Apparently there were a couple of doors ajar. There was no breaking and entering. This young man walked through an open door and somehow he went upstairs. He took his clothes off in the bathroom. He saw a jacket with a brand-new tag in the closet."
Police said Cage, who was upstairs with his wife and child, reported seeing Furo, whom he did not know, standing at the door of the bathroom, and that he was naked, except for the leather jacket.
Cage escorted the man out, and Furo did not resist the actor, star of such films as "Leaving Las Vegas," "The Rock" and the "National Treasure" films, according to police.
A lieutenant said earlier that Furo's sweatpants were found in his car, but no other clothes were around.
Cage was apprised of the disposition of the case and signed off on it, Kayajanian said, applauding the actor "for recognizing the frailty" of his client.
Kayajanian said prosecutors refused to allow Furo to plead guilty to misdemeanor trespassing. But if he completes his program and three years of formal probation, he can apply to get the felony count reduced to a misdemeanor.
Emami said Furo had been subjected to mental health and medical reviews, and they were considered as part of the case.
"The medical reports are sealed," she said.
"The essence of why was not as important as the fact that it happened," she said. "The district attorney's role is to charge him based on what he did."
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Alls Fair

When I first saw this image on CNN's article about Kerry backing Obama, I thought it was from one of those Republican joke sites. I swear it looks like Barack is leaning in for a kiss. Maybe someone needs to check index finger and ring finger lengths.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
McCain Wins New Hampshire Primary
McCain Wins New Hampshire Primary
Senator John McCain surprised observers by winning the Republican vote in the New Hampshire primary. What do you think?![]() Rebecca Carlson, Systems Analyst "If I've ever trusted a state to set the stage for the presidential election, it's the one that leads the country in per capita sales of alcohol." | ![]() Paul Messner, Chiropractor "You know, I'm happy for him. If a guy spends five years getting tortured by the Viet Cong, the least we can do is toss a primary or two his way." | ![]() Thad Cowley, Canvas Stretcher "While I agree with much of his policies, I can't, with clear conscience, condone his age." |
The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Monday, January 7, 2008
Anti-Cancer Machine Invented?
Anti-Cancer Machine Invented?
Research reports on the American Cancer Society's website suggest that a new machine, invented by a Florida man with no medical training, may be able to destroy cancer cells. What do you think?
![]() Kerry Huth, Systems Analyst "The inventor has no medical training? I think I'll stick with my cancer, thanks." | ![]() Alma Stein, Montessori Teacher "Using gold nanoparticles to attack the cells is either ingenious or very stupid, depending on what my HMO says." | ![]() Kevin Blum, Collectibles Dealer "Yeah, well the machine I invented in my basement destroys a lot more than just cancer cells." |
The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Friday, January 4, 2008
A Lot Lighter
Brought my fattest disc organizer in to work a few weeks ago. At various points in the day I would toss in a CD and copy it over to my USB drive. Got the last one done today. Totally a nerd moment, but it felt so cool to see all those discs turned into trash and all of their contents now immediately accessible. Still have more than 4gb free, too. Now I have to do the tag and cover updates so I can get more stuff on the iPod.

Technological Reduction Transfered more than one hundred of my old archive CDs onto my little Western Digital USB drive. I so love technology.