Thursday, April 19, 2007

Latest Toy

Theo still manages to get me impulse buying. At lunch yesterday we went by the closing CompUSA and I ended up walking out with an Epson PictureMate Snap, resisting the urge to pick up a 42” plasma screen. I had wanted some sort of photo printer for a while. This one seemed to do everything I wanted plus fluffy stuff, so at 40% off I decided to take a chance. The only real limitation that gave me pause was the 4”x6”-only paper support.

Didn't even both hooking it up to the computer because it's really cute as a stand-alone bucket o'printing. Pulled the memory card out of the camera and found the right slot. While it does do cropping or enhancement, the screen is too small to really trust. I had three photos I didn't need to fidget with so I tagged them and hit the print button.

Astonished doesn't quite capture my reaction. It printed all three flawlessly with no border. They all had complicated textures, like water or clouds, that turned out beautifully. Obviously it has been way too long since I've checked out advances in home printing solutions.

Got the consumables research done (which I should have done before buying—*sigh*) and it looks like the bucket's ink costs about 25¢ per glossy and 34¢ per matte. Paper isn't too bad with a decent glossy around 13¢ each.

I don't really need it but it is terribly novel. Plus, if I ever have intimate prints I don't have to worry about lurkers at the Target Kodak kiosk. *snicker*

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