Sunday, April 15, 2007

Quiet Potential

The last week went by quickly as I spent it doing the usual. Caught my Winter-Spring transitional cold, with the worst of it making me call in Wednesday and the last remnants are leaving me today. Seems with the coming of the sun I am getting out of my slump, even out of the apartment. Walked down to Target yesterday; did another bridge walk today.

Was setting up a shot when two passing bikers honked and yelled, “Don't do it!” Scared the snake out of me. Thankfully didn't drop the camera, muttered “Assholes,” but couldn't help but snicker to myself. The sun was pleasant. Called a Nate I met last night but no one else.

Dad's birthday was yesterday. Figured I'd surprise him by calling. Got the voicemail but he called back before dinner. Managed to get him to talk about himself for nearly five minutes before he started the usual barrage on me. He'll be sixty next year.

Anyway. Watching the last bits of another too-short weekend fade. Probably going to turn in early with a few pages of Chapterhouse: Dune.

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