Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Luck (At Least It's Consistent)

Being a pack rat extends into my electronic life. DVDs started to stack up so with the price drop in portable hard drives I decided to buy four or five over the next few months. One for raw photos, one for movies, one for music, one for pr0n, etc. The WD120 I bought a year ago has been great, so I've been watching prices and capacities for a while now. Western Digital introduced their My Passport Essential line a bit ago that includes eleven colors (including Vibrant Pink!!) so when I saw the Arctic White 250 for $113 at I ordered it. The very day it arrived, marked the Intense Blue 250 down to $99. *sigh*

Heading out to the salon for a tanning session last night I pulled my apartment key off the ring to minimize my pocket requirements. As I has undressing I realized the key was gone. While in the big comfy chair up front my phone slipped out of my pockets so I figured it was there. Rushed out and turned the thing upside down to no avail. Watched the streets all the way home and nothing. So I got to the office and did the dance for a copy of the key. They didn't have a spare one available so the attendant said one would be made in the morning. I grumbled about it as she let me into the apartment then I grabbed my check book and we went back down so she could photo copy my ID. Walking back I noticed my key was about ten feet from the door. *SIGH*

Was running late to work, as usual, so I stopped into the office to see if they'd tear up my check. The front desk lady handed me a little envelope with my apartment number on it. “You already have a copy of it?” I asked as she nodded with a smile. She was probably thinking like “Yes, we are that efficient.” while I was really thinking “Fuck fuck fuck!” on my way out the door. Oh well.

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